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Whether you’ve been apart of my challenges/classes for a few months or your at the start of your health and fitness journey you probably began because you wanted to make a positive change. So, what’s the best way of measuring how far you’ve come?

It can be easy to fall into the traps that make it feel like you aren’t making progress. That’s why working out a way of measuring your progress towards achieving your goals in a way that’s empowering and motivating is SO important. Looking at how far you’ve come in order to see that your hard work is paying off makes a huge difference. But what’s the best way of doing it?

Here are my top 5 ways of measuring your fitness progress.


One of the best things about following a workout program like mine is that you’re building consistency which will help you continue to get fitter and stronger over time. I really recommend that you keep track of each workout that you do. Whether you write it down in a notebook, take a pic of the board or keep track of the days you have committed to.

Keep a record of your rest and recovery days too as they’re all part of building your overall fitness!

The great thing is that it really doesn’t need to be anything complicated. It could be as simple as crossing off the workouts you do each day. The more consistency you have the more you’ll be motivated to keep it up!


When it comes to health and fitness, I am all about building a long term habit, not a quick fix. I find that a good way to build that habit is to keep a ‘feel good’ journal. I’m talking about a journal that you write in regularly to keep a track of your energy levels, overall mood and sleep quality.

And if you ever wonder or are in need of some advice you can approach me and we can discuss based on your history throughout your journal. Which makes this a lot easier!


Have you thought about measuring your fitness by focussing on what you CAN do?

When you begin an program like mine you may not be able to do a full press up. However after a few weeks or a challenge later, you may realise you are actually conquering full press ups!! Why not choose an exercise you personally feel is a weaker strength of yours right now and focus on doing it well during classes, a few weeks may go by and this may end up being your strongest. Or even our fav, running around the block, try make it a goal not to stop.


Taking regular photos of yourself throughout your fitness journey is a great way to keep track of how your body is changing over time. Sometimes it can be difficult to see the progress we are making until we look back at the photos and see just how far we’ve come.

If you’re going to take photos it’s important to remember to take them at the same time of day and ideally in the same light and clothing. Don’t be put off if it’s difficult to see change at first. Your weight can fluctuate daily by a few kgs depending on what you’ve eaten and drunk.

Luckily for you ladies, this is something I do with you all before and after challenges, so this is a tick off the list! I really love taking the progress pictures but I honestly do notice such a massive change in your bodies within an 8 week period!


Another great way of measuring progress is to test yourself with a regular fitness challenge. You could try doing the same challenge at the end of each month to see just how far you’ve come.

Keep track of how you’re progressing and when you’ve improved so much that you’re getting through it no problem you can look to increase your weights or the number of reps.

This could be running around the block, and improving your time.

Holding a plank and continue getting better times.

Think of something outside of this main fitness challenge that you could focus on achieving personally for yourself! After all it is a fitness challenge, but sometimes its great to have your own little mini challenge within this main challenge, something to keep you going, and push you personally on the side lines.

Tracking your progress is an amazing way of helping you to focus on the bigger picture whilst making exercise more enjoyable and sustainable. However you decide to measure your progress it’s SO important to celebrate the small wins and really enjoy the journey.

Reaching your fitness goal is about building a healthy, long term habit that you can stick to.

I know that when you build exercise into a healthy lifestyle you become more in tune with your health both physically AND emotionally. The change I really love seeing in these challenges that I run is you ladies gaining so much more confidence within yourself and it is amazing to see that progress as a coach!

Kirst xx

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 Kirsty Palmer Fitness.


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