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5 Fitness Tips To Overcome Your Barriers To Starting

When you are a beginner, it can be hard to start and commit to your fitness journey. 

Maybe you’ve tried to start before and found exercise too difficult — you might have even found that the sessions in the classes seemed too hard. You might feel like being fit is easy for other people, but it’s too difficult for you. 

If you’ve tried going to a gym, you may have found it intimidating, were unsure how to use the equipment, or what exercises you should be doing. Perhaps you’ve had an injury, and now you’re scared to restart. 

If you’re someone who has been putting off starting your fitness journey, here are some tips to help you start. 

Counter fears with your "why"

It’s natural to feel apprehensive about starting something new. 

I’ve been a personal trainer for almost 7 years, and after having my little man Elijah, I felt anxious and scared about beginning again

I found the thing that helped me was to focus on why I wanted to get fit and strong again — and that meant not listening to my negative thoughts. 

Why do you want to be fitter? 

Whatever YOUR reason is, I am sure that it is stronger than your fears of starting. 


Make starting easier

Feeling anxious when you are out of your comfort zone and in a gym is normal! Perhaps you feel like you’re not fit enough to workout or you’re worried about what to wear to the gym. 

This shouldn’t stop you from making progress towards your fitness goals! You don’t have to go to a gym to start getting fit, you can do it from home to start off with.

If you don’t have much time to workout, that’s okay too! You can achieve your fitness goals with short workouts

Finally, if you don’t know what to do, then start by educating yourself. Find out about different types of exercise, and try some different ways to make exercise enjoyable for you! In the Kirsty Palmer Fitness classes you'll have a range of different style workouts that within your time training you may enjoy. Its important to start with where you feel comfortable starting from and then ease your way to improve yourself one session at a time.


Start from where you are right now

It’s a common misconception that you have to be fit to exercise or go to the gym. 

This simply isn’t the case! You can start from where you are right now.

My 6 week challenges aren't aimed for just the "fit" girls, my aim as a coach is to help and encourage you to move your body daily, and make those healthier choices each day ro get you closer to your goal! This may be by just getting out of bed and going for morning walks and only committing to three sessions per week of classes.

Work at your own level and not the other around you!


Build a base fitness gradually

You won’t get fit overnight — fitness is a gradual process that takes commitment over the long term. So don't feel like giving up just two sessions in ladies!

This means showing up for yourself, and doing what you can on that day. With consistency, over time you will become fitter and stronger. 

You might start by walking for 10-minutes. Once that becomes easy, increase it by 5 minutes each week until you can walk for 35 minutes. 

For those women who want to be able to do full push-ups, you can use push-up progressions. You can start by doing push-ups against a wall, and increase the intensity gradually as you get stronger.  

If you are a new mother, you can gradually rebuild fitness by just starting off with 1-2 sessions per week and continue with your rehab moves, where in sessions we will go through the steps to rebuild foundational strength before guiding you as you build up to larger, more complex movements. 


Stay accountable

You are accountable for your own fitness journey! There are lots of ways you can track your fitness progress to record your workouts and keep working towards your goals. As we take measurements and take progress pics.

You can also include your friends and family members in your fitness goals and ask them to help to keep you accountable. 

I also recommend that women starting on their fitness journey the best thing I have noticed about every single one of my challenges is that no one judges, no one puts down each other, we are all in this together, not matter what fitness level you are at, and it just makes exercising that much more fun!! I've seen amazing women who’ve come together from all different backgrounds support each other on their fitness journeys. 

Whatever your reasons for putting off the start of your fitness journey, you can use these fitness tips to overcome them!

When you make the commitment to accept yourself and your body as you are right now, you can start to work towards your fitness goals in a way that will work for you!

You should never feel ashamed of being a fitness beginner — everyone starts out as a beginner some time, whether it’s fitness or something else. 

Be proud of yourself for stepping up to the starting line! As you find your fitness motivation, you can inspire others around you who might have the same fears or obstacles. You got this ladies!!!


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