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I wanted to share with you ladies, what an average day of what eating (meat eaters) should roughly look like. . . .

Taking into an account you all live different lifestyles and have different bodies but this is a basic plan to start with and you can also change accordingly to suit you.

For someone who is training with me 3-4x per week, and lets say this is a 6pm class training full body. . .


Glass water (for me that include my green primal plants). Id suggest if you have tummy issues and suffering from gas and bloating to get yourself on something healing for your gut (pro-pre biotic with a multi green).


Breakfast shake:

1/4 cup rolled oats

scoop protein

1/4 cup frozen berries

1 cup almond milk

1tsp hemp powder

1tsp maca powder


2 eggs cooked however

1 cup spinach leaves with either cherry tomatoes or mushrooms


1 cup coffee (I usually have flat white with zero sugar)



Choice of protein (tuna, pork, chicken, salmon, whatever your taste buds are feeling, SIZE OF THE PALM OF YOUR HAND - that's small tin tuna).

2 cups salad leaves - spinach, butter lettuce, cucumber, sugar pea snaps, roma tomatoes.

1/4 avocado or 1 slice chopped cheddar cheese.

1/2 cup cooked cubes pumpkin or sweet potato (cook in olive oil)


LIGHT MEAL - prior to training

1 protein shake with ice cold water


2 organic rice cakes with butter and honey


2 boiled eggs


DINNER - after training

Choice of protein (tuna, pork, chicken, salmon, whatever your taste buds are feeling, SIZE OF THE PALM OF YOUR HAND - that's small tin tuna).

Choice of fats - either 1T olive oil / 1/4 avocado / 1 slice feta cheese / 1 slice cheddar cheese.

1 cup worth cooked vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, sweet potato, broccoli, peas, asparagus, carrot etc. (I like to cook in olive oil with mingle seasoning!!).



1x punnet fresh berries

1/2 cup coconut yoghurt with 1/4 cup frozen berries

1 raw ball (ONLY ONE)

2 squares dark lint chocolate 70% plus

By the end of the day you should have consumed at least 2.5/3L of water.

It's important to listen to your body on what foods you react to and what foods your body can handle eg for me, tomatoes make me bloat and give me serious tummy cramps same with cauliflower and broccoli so I can only consume a little.

Its also important to keep chopping and changing your food, you can't expect to get results by just doing shoulder presses so the same goes with food, variety is key! Prep and plan for day of food in advanced! FAIL TO PLAN WELL PLAN TO FAIL!!!

One key tip for serious weight loss too or to keep at it, is to cook your own foods. I barely have take outs and when I do its something on the healthier side.

when you cook your food is fresh and healthy and you know exactly what goes in that mouth because you have made it!!

Smash it ladies!!

You got this!!

Kirst xx


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