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When it comes to food and diet, so many of us get so caught up in the social media platform we begin to just go on whatever "she" is doing because "she" looks so fit and amazing, just because "she" has abs and eats a certain way doesn't mean you must copy and do the same.


Because you are NOT her.

You live a different lifestyle, you have a different body, you exercise differently, your mindset is different.

Going on a certain diet because "she is killing it", great smash it. But no doubt ill see you again soon when you ask for help because you are struggling to commit to it because, it just doesn't your your body type and lifestyle...

So the question you may be wanting to ask is, okay Kirst what diet should I follow, what should I eat to reduce body fat and achieve my goals? I am lost, there's so much "stuff" out there, what the heck do I do and where do I start?. . .

Well my answer is....start with a diet or something you can stick to forever, not just till you loose 5kg and then go back to old habits again.

You gotta find something that suits your schedule and your current lifestyle and you have to be real with yourself.

Since my recent studies on nutrition, I've learnt a lot about food and the body and many different body types and what works best for them but one main thing every diet has in common to get results.... STICK AT IT!

You can't expect change within two weeks, you can't expect magic with only 2 days of clean eating out of 7. You can't expect change by smashing a healthy lifestyle during the week to then hit the snacks, drinks, unhealthy food on the week end.

You just can't.

It comes down to "how badly do you want it?" and are you "willing to commit?" in order to get to where you want to be?

If you are struggling to keep on track with your diet and get results, then what you are doing now isn't working. You need to take a step back and do the following:

1. Contact me, I am your coach after all. Use me. Be honest about where you are at and open up about how you are currently feeling.

2. Send me a rough food day of where you are at with your current diet. From there we can make a few adjustments according to your goals and your energy demands.

3. TAKE ACTION. It's all good wanting something, but what action have you made to get there? Make those changes once we have had a chat and apply it to your lifestyle.

4. COMMITMENT & PATIENCE! Now just because you have made changes doesn't mean in one day you are going to have a rack of abs and feel on top of the world. Just like anything in life, you have to keep chipping at it. Look at me, I emotionally ate, gained 16kg, however day in and day out I trained, I ate better, I made better choices, and within months I gained abs and felt great! Another experience, pregnancy, once Elijah was out of that belly, I am not going to lie, I had to start all over again, my training, the way I once ate, I felt like I was a new client, I started from the bottom and chipped at it every day and now I am here where I am today. Now that's my story! Why don't you create your own, get help where needed, educate yourself, step back and reset yourself where needed. Stay committed and I promise you, you will feel amazing!!!


The only person who you are in competition with, is yourself.

The only person that is going to get you real transformations, is yourself!

Listen to your body, nourish your body and take absolute pride in it because we only have one body on this planet we only have one life, make sure it one worth living for.

You all have it within you, to conquer great things and achieve those health and fitness goals. Just get on that right track that is going to get you moving forward each and every day!

I'll be sharing more about this topic "PART 2" where I expand on a rough day of what your plate should look like based on work life, training and so on. This is not suited for everyone and this is where you need to contact me for further advice if you have any or still feel confused.

Kirsty xx


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