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How to commit to your eating plan . . .

As I am writing up this awesome 4 week reset block for your food to come it got me thinking about how we really can make the most and commit ourselves to it so here is some food for thought. . .

Committing to a healthy eating plan can be challenging, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can set yourself up for success. Here are some tips to help you commit to a healthy eating plan:

Set specific goals: Clearly define your goals and make them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). For example, instead of saying, "I want to eat healthier," set a goal like "I will include five servings of vegetables in my daily meals for the next month."

Plan and prepare meals: Take time to plan your meals in advance. Create a weekly meal plan, make a grocery list, and ensure you have healthy ingredients available. Consider meal prepping on weekends to have nutritious meals and snacks readily available during busy weekdays.

Start with small changes: Trying to overhaul your entire diet at once can be overwhelming. Instead, focus on making small, sustainable changes. Start by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals, swapping sugary beverages for water, or gradually reducing processed foods.

Educate yourself: Learn about nutrition and the benefits of a healthy diet. Understanding the impact of food on your body can help motivate you to make better choices. Stay informed by reading reputable sources, consulting with a registered dietitian, or attending nutrition-related workshops or classes.

Build a support system: Surround yourself with a supportive network. Share your health goals with friends, family, or coworkers who can provide encouragement and accountability.

Practice mindful eating: Pay attention to your eating habits and the signals your body gives you. Eat slowly, savor each bite, and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Avoid distractions like TV or screens during meals to fully focus on your food and enjoy the experience.

Find healthy substitutes and alternatives: Explore nutritious alternatives for your favourite unhealthy foods. Experiment with different recipes and cooking techniques to make healthier versions of meals you enjoy. This can help satisfy cravings while still aligning with your health goals.

Stay flexible and allow for treats: Allowing occasional treats or indulgences can help you maintain a balanced approach to eating. Depriving yourself completely may lead to feelings of restriction and increase the chances of falling off track. Enjoy your favourite foods in moderation and without guilt.

Track your progress: Keep a food diary or use a food-tracking app to record your meals and snacks. Tracking your food intake can increase awareness, identify patterns, and help you stay accountable to your goals.

Stay positive and resilient: Remember that developing a healthy eating plan is a journey, and setbacks may occur. Be kind to yourself, practice self-compassion, and focus on progress rather than perfection. If you slip up, don't dwell on it instead, refocus and get back on track with your next meal.

By incorporating these strategies into your routine and adopting a positive mindset, you can commit to a healthy eating plan and make sustainable changes that positively impact your overall well-being.

Kirst xx


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