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The Ultimate "Mind Detox"

A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body! Just like your body needs to be looked after by eating healthy food and exercising, your mind needs be looked after by keeping it free from negativity, overworking and anxiety. Stress and worry can have huge negative effects on your mindset and I am sure we all want to feel our best. That's why I want to give you some tips to help you detox that negative energy and feel stronger mentally. 

Detox your mind

Here are some of my tips on how to say goodbye to negative energy, and hello to a happier YOU. 

1.  Get in touch with your inner self 

Spend 5 minutes at the start of your day sitting and doing nothing. Absolutely nothing but listening to the sound of your own breath. During this time, set a goal of how you want to feel for the rest of the day. Relaxed? Happy? Strong? Whatever it is, keep it simple and clear. Then focus on those steps!

2.  Technology detox 

Make the effort to spend nine hours each week away from your phone, computer or iPad. Don’t touch it, play with it or use it, unless your phone rings. You will be amazed at how much more alert you become and how clear your mind will feel. I know it sounds difficult but try even if you don't make it to the full nine hours, some time away from technology can be really good for you. 

3.  Be grateful 

What are you grateful for? If you find yourself creeping into negative thoughts during the day, take a step back and practice gratitude. Each time you do this, you are building mental resilience. Practising gratitude doesn't have to be complex simply remind yourself of everything you are grateful for in that moment. It might be that the weather is nice or that you mastered a new recipe for dinner. Be grateful and it will help change your way of thinking.

4.  Meditation

If traditional forms of meditation don't interest you, find your own way to meditate. Choose an activity that helps you slow down and be calm. Yoga or walking outside is perfect for this. It helps you stay alert, calm and grounded. Even taking a few deep breaths can help you to feel better. 

5.  Read positive and inspiring quotes

During a mind detox, read books or quotes which are motivating, positive and inspirational. This will help keep your mind at peace and is a better alternative to switching on the TV and watching that mindlessly. 

A few small tweaks to your routine can help you to 'mind detox' and may leave you feeling more alert and rejuvenated. 

I hope you're feeling happier already!


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