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Hey ladies! I thought of sharing to you exactly what I consumed on...Thursday the 16th Jan 2020. Everyday is different for me, somedays I wake up and feel on top of the world others, I feel like the world is on top of me.

Taking pics of what you consume for the night is also a great way to see where you have done down hill, portion sizes and what actual nutrients you are consuming to help you achieve your goals! From taking pics of my food on this day, I was able to see why I was craving so many sugar food "snacks" in the argo...opps. Soooo here we go.....

Thursday I woke up extremely exhausted, my eyes didn't even want to open, but I live off Elijahs clock so up we got at 6:30am after a 4 times wake up throughout the night.

Breakfast was 2x scrambled eggs, 1 slice smoked salmon broken up and 2 handfuls of spinach leaves.

I also consume my morning primal plants, which most of you ladies already know about!

We then headed off down to the beach, where my coffee (medium flat white with milk and no sugar) awaited for me.

Elijah was hungry so I bought him some banana bread, which I ended up eating too. This was around 9:00am

By this point I was consuming my first 1L of water as well.

Lunch come around 12pm was simple, I am not a massive lunch person unless I don't consume breakfast so I either don't eat or I keep it very small like this...

Lettuce cups, prawns cooked in butter and garlic and half an avocado.

Then the afternoon kicked in and I know that due to lack of water in the morning up till lunch where I usually consume 2.5L I had only 1L down. Due to lack of sleep, sore achy muscles 3pm hit me hard.

This was my afternoon hack along with some cheese and bacon balls, that was in the cupboard oops....a plum, 2x cookies, a fig, a protein bar (no pic sorry), a rice cake with butter and piece cheddar cheese. Thats pretty much 600 calories within an hour all because my water intake was shocking, and my sleep was shocking eeekkk.

Dinner was chicken stir fry with 1/4 cup white basmati rice. And then Eli and I shared some blueberries.

Managed to pull 2L water, usually 3L.

I have found since my training sessions, I've been getting so hungry as well, so this is where you have to be careful and have all your meals organised so you don't pull a me!

At the end of the day, I still felt exhausted and jumped straight into bed when Elijah was sleeping. Didn't feel guilty for my choices at all. Its a new day after this and I am now aware....drink water and rest if Eli rests if I am not coaching!!!





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